For a PDF of my resume, click here
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion Rabbinic Ordination May 2021
Masters in Hebrew Letters, May 2020
Senior thesis: a theology of chronic illness
Senior sermon: “Listen to Her Voice: Amplifying Biblical Women’s Voices”—published by CCAR Task Force on the Experience of Women in the Rabbinate
List College at Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary, May 2015
BA in Ethnicity and Race Studies, Columbia University, Cum Laude
BA in Jewish Thought, JTS, Summa Cum Laude with Honors
Joint Senior Thesis with Honors: “Kinship, Conversion, and Patrilineal Descent: Reform Jewish Conceptions of Identity and Belonging”
Jewish Professional Experience
DOROT: Pastoral Rabbinic Intern, New York, NY 2020-2021
Provide ongoing remote pastoral care to 10 seniors and additional clients as needed
Coordinate care for seniors with team of social workers and other DOROT staff
Lead monthly Shabbat call and Jewish theology classes through University Without Walls
Support DOROT staff after death of clients, teach staff lunch and learn sessions, and attend staff meetings
Wondrously Does/n’t: A Space for the Jewish Body: Co Founder, New York, NY 2019-2021
Co-founded innovative Jewish project about Jewish ritual and invisible illness with grant from Be Wise Fellowship in Jewish Entrepreneurship
Co-lead online monthly gatherings for millennial Jews with invisible illness to study text, sing, build community, and reimagine Jewish rituals to better reflect the experience of living with invisible illness
Co-lead ritual creation workshops about the body for synagogues, religious schools, and Hillels
Meet with religious leaders about entrepreneurship and creative Jewish liturgy and ritual
Temple Emanu-El Beth Sholom: Tisch Summer Intern, Montreal, Summer 2020
Shadowed Rabbi Lisa Gruschow virtually at staff and board meetings, educational programs, services, and life cycle events at the height of the pandemic
Taught Torah study and gave Friday night d’var Torah
Association of Reform Zionists of America (ARZA): Rabbinic Intern, New York, NY, 2019-2020
Coordinated ARZA-HUC student clergy fellowship
Created Israel and Zionism curriculum for millennials, taught curriculum to Columbia/Barnard Hillel Reform student group
Assisted ARZA staff with preparation for URJ Biennial and World Zionist Congress Elections
Clinical Pastoral Education: New York Presbyterian—Weill Cornell, New York, NY, Summer 2019
Provided pastoral care to patients in neurological ICU, geriatrics, and medical step-down units
Served as evening and on-call chaplain in rotation of chaplains
Participated in interfaith learning cohort
Congregation Shir Shalom of Westchester and Fairfield Counties: Rabbinic Intern Ridgefield, CT, 2018-2019
Co-led weekly Friday night Shabbat services and monthly Tot Shabbat services
Prepared Religious School classes for participation in Shabbat services
Taught HIAS Welcoming the Stranger lessons to 4th-7th grade and prepared students for HIAS Shabbat
Taught monthly adult education classes on Jewish moral leadership, visiting the sick, and tzedakah
Shadowed rabbi at life-cycle meetings and events
Led youth High Holy Day services in 2019, delivered Erev Rosh Hashanah sermon in main service, and co-led afternoon services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
University of Rochester Hillel: High Holy Day Reform Rabbinic Leader, Rochester, NY, 2017, 2018
Planned and led services, delivered sermons for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
Collaborated with Executive Director and program staff to engage students in prayers and rituals
Coordinated music for cantorial soloist in 2018
The Alan & Nirial Small Prize for Particular Love and Responsibility to the State of Israel: HUC, New York, 2019-2020
Be Wise Fellowship in Jewish Entrepreneurship: HUC, New York, 2019-2020
Selected for grant for original Jewish project, Wondrously Does/n’t: A Space for the Jewish Body
Participate in cohort-based learning about Jewish entrepreneurship
Bonnie M. Tisch Fellowship: HUC, New York, 2018-2021
Explore innovative congregational leadership and intellectual and spiritual ideas with select group of clergy students under leadership of Rabbi Larry Hoffman
Association of Reform Zionists of America: HUC Student Clergy Fellow, New York, NY 2017-2019
Met monthly with ARZA staff and leaders of major Jewish organizations about US-Israel relationship
American Israel Public Affairs Committee: Leffell Fellow, 2018-2019
Engaged in inter-denominational study and mentorship about Israel, the US-Israel relationship, and Israel in the rabbinate
Messinger Merit Scholarship: HUC, New York, NY 2017-2018
New Israel Fund: Froman Fellow, Jerusalem, Israel, 2016-2017
Selected as one of three HUC-JIR students for study fellowship
Met with NIF staff and affiliate organizations across Israel to become versed in NIF’s top issue areas
Atara Scholarship for Academic Excellence: HUC, New York, NY 2016-2021
Fellowships and Awards
Teaching Experience
Intro to Judaism and Bat Mitzvah Tutor and Leader: Online, 2018-2020
Taught introduction to Judaism to 6th grade student from interfaith background, covering the Jewish calendar, Torah, life cycles, Hebrew, and Jewish identity formation
Sponsored student’s affirmation of Jewish identity ceremony at the mikveh, crafted mikveh ritual, and served as mikveh guide
Prepared student for reading Torah and giving d’var Torah for Bat Mitzvah
Worked with family to create custom siddur and meaningful Bat Mitzvah service that included all family members
Central Synagogue: B’nei Mitzvah Tutor, New York, NY, Spring 2018
Taught 6th-7th graders Torah and Haftarah trope to prepare them for B’nei Mitzvah
Young Judea Sprout Brooklyn Day Camp: Brooklyn, NY, Summers of 2017 and 2018
Unit Head, summer 2018
Oversaw four groups of 4-6 year old children and their 12 counselors
Communicated regularly with parents of campers
Assisted with camp office, counselor hiring, and counselor training
Counselor, summer 2017
Instilled Jewish values, love of Hebrew, and love of Israel in incoming first grade campers through music, sports, cooking, Hebrew immersion, creative play, etc.
Town and Village Synagogue: Jewish Educator, Prayer Leader, New York, NY
Taught Shalom Learning values-based curriculum and Hebrew to fourth and fifth graders
Led morning tefilah for 1st-3rd graders
Led Junior Congregation on Shabbat mornings for 1st-6th graders
Taught third grade class on Tanakh, Jewish holidays, prayer, and Hebrew
Led Junior Congregation for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
Sutton Place Synagogue: Religious School Teacher, New York, NY 2015-2016
Taught fifth grade class about life cycles, American Jewish history, Jewish holidays, prayer and Hebrew
Tutored one student privately in American Jewish History and Hebrew
The Society for the Advancement of Judaism: Religious School Teacher, New York, NY 2015-2016
Taught fourth grade class about Jewish identity and identity formation
The Abraham Joshua Heschel School: Substitute Teacher, New York, NY, 2015-2016
Substitute taught Judaic Studies and General Studies in the Early Childhood Center and Lower School
Taught second grade General Studies for one month as a long-term substitute teacher
B’nai Jeshurun: Religious School Teacher, New York, NY 2014-2015
Taught third grade Hebrew, Torah, and Positive Exposure Ambassadors’ Real Life Stories (PEARLS) Project
Community Involvement
Worship Working Group: HUC New York, NY, 2018-present
Participate in group that examines the culture of prayer on the HUC New York Campus
Co-lead creative services for New York campus’ annual opening kallah
Help plan holiday celebrations on campus
HUC Soup Kitchen: Volunteer, New York, NY, Fall 2020
Volunteered at HUC soup kitchen upon reopening during COVID
Student Health Insurance Committee: HUC New York, NY, 2019-2020
Advocated for students’ needs as New York and Cincinnati campuses researched health insurance options
World Zionist Congress Slate Member and Alternate Delegate, 2019-2020
Served as slate member and alternate delegate for Vote Reform slate
Assisted with ‘get out the vote’ efforts
Yom Iyyun Planning Committee: HUC New York, NY, Spring 2020
Participated in student-faculty team to plan campus-wide day of learning entitled “A Second Torah of the Second Sex? Feminist Perspectives on Sacred Text”
Coordinated presentation of Yael Kanarek, creator of The Re-Gendered Torah
First-Year Student Advocacy Committee: HUC Jerusalem, 2016-2017
Elected as one of four first-year students to serve on committee to communicate student needs and feedback to administration
Kesher at Columbia/Barnard Hillel: Board Member, New York, NY 2012-2015
Selected to board of Kesher: Reform Jews on Campus at CU/BC Hillel for three years, serving as president for 1.5 years
Coordinated services and social programs for Reform Jewish group and represented Reform group on inter-denominational council
Assisted in planning of first two years of NYC-Area Reform College Student Shabbaton, held at HUC
Special Classes
Disability and Theology: Union Theological Seminary, Fall 2020
Mysticism and the Moral Life: Jewish Theological Seminary, Fall 2020
Guitar Instruction: HUC, Summer 2020
Topics in Israel Studies: Social Cleavages in Israel: New York University, Spring 2020
Leadership Through Innovation: Clal—The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership, in partnership with Glean, Spring 2020
Organizational Dynamics and Change: HUC, Spring 2018
Spiritual Direction: HUC, Fall 2017-Spring 2018